The initial 30-minute coaching is free. This session primarily is a get to know you and for you to share your relationship challenges and goals. If desired, next steps will be determined.
Marital Coaching Session

Prepare and Enrich Certification Course

This 8-hour course is a comprehensive relationship data driven assessment too for marriage counselors, ministers, and other relationship educators. This course is designed to facilitate communication and help couples recognize their areas of growth and strengths.
Wedding Officiant

The ordained officiant specializes in spiritual and religious ceremonies. The officiant will be filled with positive energy to ensure the couple stays cool, calm, and collected on their special day.
The couple will be asked to meet in person or via Zoom with the officiant to review – or if needed- craft wedding vows and also to confirm all requests and requirements have been solidified.
Pre-marital Course

For clients who participate in the state of Texas Twogetherintexas, this 8-hour certificate program has been developed for premarital couples.
Prepare & Enrich Couples Assessment

Is a comprehensive relationship assessment tool that is data-driven and widely used by counselors and other professionals in the field of relationship education. It is designed to facilitate communication and help couples recognize their areas of growth and strengths. Couples gain valuable insights into their relationship dynamics that can help improve communication, resolve conflicts more effectively, and help build a stronger foundation for their future together. This tool has also been shown to enhance relationship satisfaction and decrease the likelihood of divorce.
How to Love Me

This comprehensive training and development program provides individual and group coaching, workshops, and activities too. This program will uncover hidden leadership potential and mental clarity for success.
Custom Built Package

Each couple receives a customized plan with coaching strategies tailored to each couple’s unique situation.